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Journey to No Shoulder Rest for Violinists

FINALLY! Super excited to share insights from my studio-mates about their journey to ditching their shoulder rests! I've seriously sat on editing these videos for more than a year and figured it was time to get to it... Many things are far from perfect in the editing and I'm no expert in that regard, but I just thought it would be an extremely useful resource for my students and colleagues, or just in general anyone else out there who is starting on this journey, to hear from those who have taken the plunge into the world without shoulder-rests! So thankful for studio-mates who were all extremely game to share and I'm glad I managed to film these clips in my last few weeks in the US!

Just this month alone, I've had 4 students make the switch, and it was definitely a reminder for me to get to these clips..... =)


Part 1...

and Part 2..

Also, while procrastinating these videos, I shared my own journey a couple of months back, more here! =)


Tee '19

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